Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Advantages of city life


This is good to know that my own house is in village and i stay a city for my study. So i can compare both or differentiate both. Here i would like to write about the advantages of city if you want to know about the advantages of village for that you please visit my pervious article of this blog there you can get every single knowledge about village life.       
So iam going to write something in the form of discription about city life.

 Development mostly happens in the city so here we can get any things that we need,

Isy of all i want to write about its servises, school,college, hospital everything is easy to reach.

Online servises, idont have to explain iam sure.

With money you can get anything.Not talking about love, emotions,respects.

Transport servises.

Hotel and restaurat;you dont have to worry about the food when you are home alone.

Good employment opportunities and making profit.


Good outing distinations.

More and better medical facilities:
In city people get more and better medical facilities than the people of a village. In city there are more hospitals and clinics there are more qualified doctors.

Easer in Comunication ;
science made the world smaller its discover and inevented many means and way of communication has become easer in city people can communicate with one another over telephone telex fax e. T. C. Through less convenience.

smart phones are multifunctional this is due to the fact that there are phones and more are less personal computers. One can communicate with smart phone efficiently, this allows user to send important information in second to place, they make a very easy to stay in touch so many of citizens people's are using smart phones for Comunication.

JOBS: factories and services industries.

Women's :opprotunities increase domestic servant,teachers also secretaries.

Educations :education for children.
Entertainment:theater,social clubs  museums.

Rural to urbans migration: farmers /rurals move to city.

On the plus side it is often easer to find a work and there is usually a choice of public transport so you dont need to own a car but there are many peoples who do not like to arrival in public transport. Although there are good restaurants where you can eat good things.

Also there is another opportunity to finding new friends presents it self on nearly daily basis as they are plenty of peoples to meet. So things considered,the city life is full of bustle and variety and you never feel bored.


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