Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Urban Dressing v/s rural dressing style

Urban Dressing v/s rural dressing style :

The major difference between urban and rural dressing ;rural areas are less modern and open than urban areas. Urban peoples are extremely expecting but not rural people,they spent a simple life although life of urban is very complicated and complex. 

 Dress behavior is very major sign of personality because person dressing and cloths does matter alot,also it gives a symbol to identity.

Dressing culture of rural area's:

Rural are less modern so they have their own cultural traditions.rural womens like to wear simple handcraft kurties and saries.the rural mens like to wear lungi, kurta and shalwar khamez. They are not adjusting their mind set for adaptation of another culture in dressing.

Dressing trend of urban area's:

Urban areas people accepted latest fashion. They are not particularly dressing in daily life always blindly following latest fashion. These people's have not any tradition or not any rigid rules because they never feel hesitate anytime in dressing. But mostly urban peoples love to wear jeans, shirts, sometimes shalwar khamez e. T. C

Dressing is a tool by which person express the variety of cultures. But rural and urabns having their own cultural. Dressing is that stage in which demonstrate the personality as well as culture and traditions. 

Advantages of city life


This is good to know that my own house is in village and i stay a city for my study. So i can compare both or differentiate both. Here i would like to write about the advantages of city if you want to know about the advantages of village for that you please visit my pervious article of this blog there you can get every single knowledge about village life.       
So iam going to write something in the form of discription about city life.

 Development mostly happens in the city so here we can get any things that we need,

Isy of all i want to write about its servises, school,college, hospital everything is easy to reach.

Online servises, idont have to explain iam sure.

With money you can get anything.Not talking about love, emotions,respects.

Transport servises.

Hotel and restaurat;you dont have to worry about the food when you are home alone.

Good employment opportunities and making profit.


Good outing distinations.

More and better medical facilities:
In city people get more and better medical facilities than the people of a village. In city there are more hospitals and clinics there are more qualified doctors.

Easer in Comunication ;
science made the world smaller its discover and inevented many means and way of communication has become easer in city people can communicate with one another over telephone telex fax e. T. C. Through less convenience.

smart phones are multifunctional this is due to the fact that there are phones and more are less personal computers. One can communicate with smart phone efficiently, this allows user to send important information in second to place, they make a very easy to stay in touch so many of citizens people's are using smart phones for Comunication.

JOBS: factories and services industries.

Women's :opprotunities increase domestic servant,teachers also secretaries.

Educations :education for children.
Entertainment:theater,social clubs  museums.

Rural to urbans migration: farmers /rurals move to city.

On the plus side it is often easer to find a work and there is usually a choice of public transport so you dont need to own a car but there are many peoples who do not like to arrival in public transport. Although there are good restaurants where you can eat good things.

Also there is another opportunity to finding new friends presents it self on nearly daily basis as they are plenty of peoples to meet. So things considered,the city life is full of bustle and variety and you never feel bored.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Advantagesof village life


Advantages of village life:

Everyone well know about city life and its advantages  there are most of person have no idea about village life so so;
Today iam going to discuss a simple blog about the advantages of village life  Iam also concert with village, i knew the benefits of villages so i planned to write something interesting about village life. 

When we all start a discussion about village first thing comes in our mind,is beautiful scenes of nature,quiet life style, more hospitable peoples,fresh air e.t.c
In village, a person can enjoy the life in nature way from the city bustle. 
Almost nothing artificial in village life, 
What a nature gives us we can enjoy in full here.

There are many trees and natural resources by which there is less possibility of pollution for all living things,rural's lives most natural life and suitable life. Its quiet and peace environment gives opportunity for pleasant thoughts study, and mental development,which are somewhere better than the town life

The noise and the craziness of children in the village is a sign 🤘 that it is most natural and healthful life for man . Villagers live a simple life not a luxury life. Village get abundant opportunity to enjoy the beautiful gifts of nature.  

If you haven't lived in villages,you could not image how fresh the air is. There is no automobile exhaust,drainage ditches, smelly waste, while you almost have to wear a breathing mask to go out in city life because of dust smoke of moters,industries, you can take a fresh air,fresh food, from dawn to dark by living in villages 

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Enviroment and intake of village and city life

Environment and intake of village and city life:

In villages, the people live in an open atmosphere. They get fresh air and sunlight. They inhale more oxygen, which they get from trees and crops, which grow in their fields. As compared to people in cities, people in villages lead a tension free life. There is not much noise in villages. In villages, people generally get fresh vegetables and pure milk and also consume lesser amount of fast food, which is very harmful. There are, however, certain advantages, which the urban people have over the villages.

In cities there are much better employment avenues than towns. The security system is also better. People often do not feel bored, as they have several means of amusement and entertainment such as visiting different places of importance, a visit to the zoo, some museum or exhibition etc.

 In cities, people get better education as there are so many schools, colleges, universities and libraries. Better medical facilities are available in cities, as there are so many big hospitals and dispensaries, which are not available in villages. In cities one can have more variety of goods including food and wearing articles. We can get food of choice at hotels and restaurants. Thus in some ways, villages are better while in some cities are better.

Many statistically significant differences were noted in the mean daily intake of various nutrients by the urban and rural . For most of the nutrients differences in mean intake by less affluent and affluent urban  are less noticeable and statistically significant.
The mean consumption of calories, protein. total fats, sugar and cholesterol was higher among the urban whereas the average daily intake of carbohydrates, fibre and starch was higher among the rural. 

The diets of rural children had a higher polyunsaturated : saturated fatty acid ratio. Percentage energy from fats was higher and that from carbohydrates was lower in the urban group. Mean intake of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, niacin, vitamin B12, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E was higher in the urban group.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Difference between village life and city life

 Difference between village life and city life:

Village life represents the life style and condition of  rural people but city life represents the modernity and lifestyle of urban people. We can say that there is a huge difference between city and village life. Both city and village have their own functional aims and objectives. Village life grants calmness, serenity, beautiful environment and also agricultural life to people. City life provides modernity, education, well learning and culture. If we talk about the amenities and facilities there is a wide gap between village life and city life.

        From my perspective, in past era people mostly like to live in villages and busy in agriculture and earn well income. People usually occupied and engaged in agriculture in ancient time.

But now in the modern era the situation has been reversed, there is more growth in industrial age in a modern era. More industrial growth and extension of city life, more people like to live in urban area due to more facilities, convenience and comfort as compare to village life. They get more satisfactio to live in city area as compare to village area.There is a wide difference between in the urban and village life with more expansion and growth in urban area.

http://Villagelife.vs.citylife.blogspot.com'rel=nofollow' http://Villagelife.vs.citylife.blogspot.com

Urban Dressing v/s rural dressing style

Urban Dressing v/s rural dressing style : The major difference between urban and rural dressing ;rural areas are less modern and open tha...