Sunday, February 24, 2019

Difference between village life and city life

 Difference between village life and city life:

Village life represents the life style and condition of  rural people but city life represents the modernity and lifestyle of urban people. We can say that there is a huge difference between city and village life. Both city and village have their own functional aims and objectives. Village life grants calmness, serenity, beautiful environment and also agricultural life to people. City life provides modernity, education, well learning and culture. If we talk about the amenities and facilities there is a wide gap between village life and city life.

        From my perspective, in past era people mostly like to live in villages and busy in agriculture and earn well income. People usually occupied and engaged in agriculture in ancient time.

But now in the modern era the situation has been reversed, there is more growth in industrial age in a modern era. More industrial growth and extension of city life, more people like to live in urban area due to more facilities, convenience and comfort as compare to village life. They get more satisfactio to live in city area as compare to village area.There is a wide difference between in the urban and village life with more expansion and growth in urban area.'rel=nofollow'

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